

Coastal Erosion

Since the construction of the Pondicherry harbour in 1989, Pondicherry and the neighboring Tamil Nadu coast have been eroding dramatically.

Glaciers of Ladakh

The rise in temperature due to climate change melts Himalayan glaciers in the Ladakh region, threatening the lives of millions of people.

Motorcycle Ambulance

The Narayanpur district in the central-eastern Indian state of Chhattisgarh is surrounded by dense forests, hills, streams, and natural caves.


“Hope” is an enduring reflection of India’s exemplary contribution to refugee protection and assistance.

Asian Elephants

Asian elephants: intelligent, sociable, but endangered species

Internally Displaced People

Because of a deadly tug-of-war between state-backed vigilance Salwa judum and people’s army (better known as Maoist group), 50000 indigenous tribal people in Chhattisgarh have been internally displaced since 2005.

Pani (Water)

India is facing its worst-ever water crisis, with some 600 million people facing acute water shortage, according to government of India.

Kerala Floods

The chief minister of Kerala described the flooding as the worst in 100 years.

Feeding India

Despite its self-sufficiency in food availability, and being one of the world’s largest grain producers, about 25% of Indians go to bed without food.

Oil Pollution in Ecuadorian Amazon

In 1993, residents of the Ecuadorian Amazon sued Texaco – acquired by Chevron in 2001 – accusing the company of the dumping of around 80,000 tons of oil and toxic residues on their land between 1964 and 1990 during operations in the Lago Agrio region of northeastern Ecuador.

Reality of Bonded Labour

Bonded and forced labour – where a person is made to work through the use of violence or intimidation or more subtle means such as accumulated debt – are some of the oldest forms of slavery in the world.

Hunger in the Midst of Plenty

Tracks of verdant green forests, washed in the intermittent rains of mid-August and sparkling, lush paddy standing in fields of water greeted us as we drove to Padampur sub-division of Bargarh district of Western Odisha to look at a movement that had been working for food security in one of the poorest regions of the country.

The Right to Education

The Right to education (RTE) act, 2009 empowers children belonging to the backward section of the economy to free and compulsory education. But lack of infrastructure is failing Indian children’s right to education.


According to the WHO (World Health Organization) report, 13 out of 20 most polluted cities in the world are located in India.

Salsa in Cali

A history of slavery, Cuban music, Mexican movies, foreign radio broadcasts, a disciplined collecting of vinyl records, and sounds from New York City all were key in the history of salsa in Cali and how Colombia’s third city became the world capital of the tropical music style.

The Older Brothers of Sierra Nevada

The indigenous people of the Sierra Nevada protect their sacred mountain home; they believe they keep the entire planet in balance through their rituals and living tradition.

El Niño Effect in India

The effects of El Niño hit India the hardest; heat waves and drought become a more common occurrence, leading to energy, food and water insecurity.

El Niño Effect in Ethiopia

Ethiopian government estimates that 10.2 million people are in need of food assistance, due to a drought that’s been exacerbated by El Niño.

Urban Poverty in Kenya

Kenya belongs to the group of countries that has exhibited fast growth since the onset of the global financial and economic crisis, contributing to Africa’s rapid Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth.

Maternal Health in Rural India

India accounts for the maximum number of maternal deaths in the world — 17 per cent or nearly 50,000 of the 2.89-lakh women died as a result of complications due to pregnancy or childbearing in 2013, stated in the UN report.

Nepal Earthquake Aftermath

On 25th April 2015, a major 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Nepal and killed over 8,500 people and left tens of thousands of people homeless.

Migrant Labour’s of “Shining” India

Construction is the largest sector in India after agriculture. Most of the employment in construction is migrant labour.


Psychiatrists claim that up to 90 percent of the Valley’s population of around six million has been affected by post-traumatic or depressive disorder.

Rat Hole Mining in Meghalaya, India

It is not widely known that about 70,000 children work as miners in the highly dangerous and suffocating coal mines of Meghalaya which line the Jaintia Hills of Northeast India.

Burma in Transition

Burma (also known as Myanmar) appears to be on a fast track toward openness and democratization, after decades of harsh military rule that left it one of the least-developed countries in the world.

Chhattisgarh: Rich Land of Poor People

It is a fit question for economists in India’s 68 year’s of independence that why is a land so rich in minerals as Chhattisgarh still a poor peoples’ home?

Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is becoming a major health problem in India with some estimates indicating that as many as 15 million people in India are addicts.


The Jharia coalfield in Jharkand (India) is an exclusive storehouse of prime coke coal in the country, consisting of 23 large underground and nine large open cast mines.

Maldives: Paradise in Trouble

The Republic of Maldives is made up of about 1190 islands and known as a tourist paradise.

Sri Lanka – Life After War

The 2012 World Report from Human Rights Watch states that “the aftermath of Sri Lanka’s quarter century-long civil war, which ended in May 2009 with the defeat of the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), continued to dominate events in 2011.

Silent Killer

India has the second largest number of HIV-positive people in the world.