
“Hope” is an enduring reflection of India’s exemplary contribution to refugee protection and assistance.

It is also an acknowledgement of the resilience, aspirations, and optimism of many Sri Lankan refugees who have lived in Tamil Nadu for over four decades.
The photographs offer a glimpse into the day-to-day lives of some of the 93,000 refugees in Tamil Nadu, a reflection of who they are, their dreams and desires, and their close affinity and friendship with people in India. These Sri Lankan refugees want their children to go to school, engage in meaningful work, and contribute to our communities. Just like you and me, they seek a life of dignity, freedom, and security, which India has generously availed of.
India’s robust experience in the management of refugee camps dates back decades. It has brought extraordinary benefits to refugees, including finding sustainable solutions. It is the product of hard work and strategic choices, and India has proven to be a reliable global partner to guarantee that people who need help will find a place.
As the world grapples with over 84 million forcibly displaced persons globally, there can be no real peace in the world as long as hundreds of men, women, and children, through no fault of their own, are forced to flee and remain displaced. On December 17, 2018, the United Nations General Assembly approved the Global Compact on Refugees, a framework for more predictable and equitable responsibility sharing, recognising that sustainable solutions to refugee situations cannot be achieved without international cooperation. We therefore look up to India, in the spirit of hope and solidarity, as one of the largest democracies, to bring us all together in the search for solutions for all those forcibly displaced.
 Mr. Oscar Mundia
UNHCR Chief of Mission for India and The Maldives

Tamil Nadu, India, 2020 – 2022